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A Bobbi Brown Correction

I have been using Bobbi Browns corrector on and off for about 3 years now. Its thick consistency combined with its intense pigmentation made it ideal for those heavy concealer days. I had used porcelain bisque for years and although it offered full coverage concealing I can’t say it ever corrected those blue-ish circles.

Makeup artists, friends, family and the online beauty world claim that this corrector, correctors like no bodies business… Was this a case of a difference or had I been using this product wrong the whole time?

On a recent trip to Sephora my world got shaken and I’m not talking about the premature Christmas displays people. I’m talking about my beloved Porcelain Bisque was sold out. I’m really making this sound dramatic, but as a dark circles sufferer I didn’t want to frighten my co-workers, friends or family. So what is one with such circles to do when in time of need? Settle for the next shade!

Light Bisque undeniably is pinker in colour then my original porcelain bisque. The orangey- pink colour actually looks a little terrifying if you ask me. However I took the risk and …

PEOPLE I have been using this corrector in the wrong for years. See I totally get that this salmon toned correctors neutralize dark circles, but I was afraid to the plunge. The fact of the matter is I shouldn’t have been frightened at all. The pinker porcelain bisque once applied doesn’t look so pink, yet my dark circles are completely eliminated. I liked Bobbi Browns corrector even when I was using it wrong, however I have been loving this corrector since I've been using it right.
So ladies … take a chance and get pink with your Bobbi Brown Corrector you will discover the miracle product that this truly is.

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