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Stewart and Pattinson are no longer communicate : new details of the couple's relationship

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

'Twilight' fans will be disappointed : their favorites Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are not just separated, but finally reduced their communication to nothing. This was told in the press inner circle of actors. One of the well-informed sources said that Pattinson is still enjoying life celibate and does not seek a serious relationship with someone , but the loneliness of the actor is not threatened :

Rob no one is found , it is focused on the job, but from time to time gets short novels . Standing girl he does not .

As for Kristen , she is , according to insiders, is not particularly worrying about breaking up with Pattinson , which held about four years. Now the actress is in Berlin, where he acted in the movie " Sils Maria " with Juliette Binoche . A source close to Stewart shared :

Kristen have not been so happy with my life . In Berlin, she is enjoying her freedom , having the time on the set and just exploring the city and its surroundings. Along with it there are a few of her good friends , they are like family to her and did not cease to support it. Of course , Kristen still miss Rob , but it helped that she's far from it. Now she's really happy .

According to acquaintances Stewart, she, like Pattinson , while no one is found . Well, Perez Hilton Whisperer star recently shared with readers of his blog information that Kristen supposedly indifferent to his other colleague in the acting workshop - Zac Efron . Robert , too, now and then credited new novels .

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart do not even talk to each other ...

... although they are linked relationship of nearly four years

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