Well today is a very historical day. President Barack Obama, the first African-American President of the United States, is being sworn in for a historical second term in office. President Barack Obama is the only African-American to serve two terms as President of the United States. Actually, he's already sworn in for his second term yesterday in private. However, since Presidential Inauguration Day is on January 20, 2013 and that happens to be on a Sunday, it was decided to hold the official inauguration in private and make the second unofficial inauguration the official inauguration. Plus, President Barack Obama, the first African-American President of the United States is being sworn in on Martin Luther King Day---A holliday to celebrate the historical achievements of the civil rights leader who ended segregation forever in the United States of America---Making it possible for President Barack Obama to run for President of the United States in the first place. So today is a huge day for African-Americans for two reasons.
And as I'm lost in thought while preparing myself breakfast, here are some photos of rock star Katy Perry (Born under the name Katy Hudson, she had it legally changed to avoid confusion with Kate Hudson---The daughter of Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell).
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