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Twinsie Tuesday, Color Block Mani

Welcome to Twinsie Tuesday!
We are all showing you and Color Block mani today, and I'd love to know who came up with this idea!  JK.  Not really.
Here is my less than spectacular attempt.  I should have googled some ideas first. 
My pointer finger reminds me of Braveheart.
The lovely shimmery pink is Kim-pletely In Love.  Swatch of that coming soon, so stay tuned.  And the blue is Revlon Dreamer.  They are two lovely colors that I ruined by putting together.  Swatches on their own will make you love them, I promise!
Check out the other Twinsie's:
Amanda at Amandalandish
Ashley at Art Evolve
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Cordia at Srsly Swatched
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Katherine at Haul of Fame
Tara at Polishy of Truth

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