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An Oxford Education Part 2

Having loved Oxford so much on the Monday, we decided to head back for a second visit a couple of days later. That’s the beauty of Oxford I found. While it’s hardly jam packed with activities, if you are someone who loves to take in the beauty of your surroundings, learn about the history of a place, and leisurely stroll for hours, then Oxford will provide days upon days of adventure for you. W2HAZE48EXWU

Having taken a whistle stop walking tour on our last visit, we decided to explore Oxford from a different view point this time... up high.

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Growing up my dad had a fascination with Church architecture and design, and so as children we were bundles into cars and made to trapes round church after church up and down the country. Not coming from a religious family, I found it rather tedious. However in my older and wiser years I think I finally get it. The design of churches is second to none, and St Mary’s in Oxford is no exception. 

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The church dates back from 1086, however the design has been redone countless times over the centuries. However currently it holds a Gothic feel that was stunning but haunting. 

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Yet it was the tower we were after. Inside is an extremely narrow and steep spiral staircase, which I had to say to mum to stop nattering to me otherwise I’d lose concentration and trip! However it was worth it (her huffing and glares, not the nearly tripping) as it provide the most gorgeous views over all of Oxford.

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Let me tell you, this is a very rare picture. My brother does not allow a camera to be usually anywhere in his vicinity (it took about 5 attempts for him to look up!)

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Having been stunned by how breath taking it all was, we decided to head back down to terra firma and seek out food. Me and my mum decided to part from the men, and have a girly lunch. Nestled down a side street we found a cute little pub which we feasted over wine and chatter.

I was rather surprised at my mum’s choice, as she is a woman of familiarity. It is nearly always a salmon based dish or hunters chicken, but I think coming back home and bringing my stilton love has had a knock on effect as a black and blue burger was her choice. 

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For me, I couldn’t resist pork belly with cider honey glaze on a bed of pak choi and a side of skin on fries.

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Fully replenished we met back with the men (the remainder of a Burger King drink in hand!) and decided to discover a little more about one of the colleges, or really satisfy my need to pretend to be a smart ass student). We chose Trinity College as we had been told they had beautiful grounds, and to satisfy my dad- an ornate chapel. 

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Trinity College dates back to 1555 and is one of the 38 colleges of Oxford. It was founded by Sir Thomas Poe, who had no children, and so in a bid to be remembered and pass on his legacy he founded Trinity College. 

A quick pop quiz question for you all. If you saw earlier this year The Great Gatsby, you might remember Jay Gatsby attended Trinity College.

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What? All this walking is tiring work!

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I couldn’t recommend Oxford enough as a place to visit. It is obviously better by the glorious weather, as the lawns made perfect picnic spots, but if you are as snap happy as me I am sure you would love it come rain or shine. 

I've already decided when I am old, and tired of living the London life, I am going to retire to Oxford, open up a bakery and feed the minds of the next generation of academics with pastries, cakes and sweet things... or just make them all fat. 

Click here to enter my Thomas Sabo Giveaway? - ends 5th August. 

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