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Simple, Yet Effective

This was a quickly done mani that is simple, yet effective as the title reads. One of my new found nail loves is studs and rhinestones so I try to use them when I can and think they worked out well as an accent.  Here's what I came up with!

Started with a base of two coats of L'Oreal Masked Affair, no top coat.  I was in the right place at the right time as I found an untouched display on one of my visits to the US so was able to pick up this sought after polish no issues at all. While I'm happy to have it in my stash, I can certainly live without it; I myself don't see what all the hype is about.

Stamped using Marianne Nails n50 using Funky Fingers Dark Knight.

Marianne Nails n50

Added a couple stones to accent.

Top coated with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

This is my other hand; I liked it too with just stamping.

I know I had said I was going to continue with Digit-al Dozen fandom mani's but I feel that I'm so late now that I think it is disrespectful to the other ladies to post so late in fairness to those who were timely.  I feel badly because I do try to participate and try to post even if one or two days behind, but this is at the point of being really too late to be reasonable; unfortunately, life and work sometimes interfere with blogging and this is just one of those times.  Hopefully this won't be an issue next month!  Sorry ladies...please don't kick me out of the group!  

Thanks for looking!

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