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New to me authors in 2013

It's always nice to discover new authors and their stories.  Of the 110 books I read in 2013, 67 were by 63 authors that were new to me. I'd be happy to read other books by just about all of them and no doubt will over time. 

Hard Bite by Anonymous-9 (Elaine Ash) *****
Hunting Eichmann by Neal Bascomb ****
Rubbernecker by Belinda Bauer *****
Behind the Battle by Ralph Bennett **
Zugzwang by Ronan Bennett ***
The Third Pig Detective Agency by Bob Burke ***
The Reckoning by Jane Casey ***.5
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline *****
Outerborough Blues by Andrew Cotto ****.5
The Sisters Brothers by Patrick deWitt ****
The Sea Detective by Mark Douglas-Home *****
The Woman Who Walked into the Sea by Mark Douglas-Home ***
The Perfect Crime by Les Edgerton ***.5
The Gods of Gotham by Lyndsay Faye ****
Information: A Very Short Introduction by Luciano Floridi ****
Go With Me by Castle Freeman ****.5
Black Seconds by Karin Fossum ****
A Nail Through the Heart by Tim Hallinan ***
The Third Rail by Michael Harvey **.5
The Big Gold Dream by Chester Himes ***
The Silver Stain by Paul Johnston ****
Echoland by Joe Joyce ***
The Devil I know by Claire Kilroy ****
Tretjak by Max Landorff ***.5
Blood from a Stone by Donna Leon ***
Jade Lady Burning by Martin Limon ****
City of Heretics by Heath Lowrance ***.5
The Necessary Death of Lewis Winter by Malcom Mackay ***
Exposed by Liza Marklund ****
A Death in Bordeaux by Allan Massie ***
Big Data by Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier **.5
Frank Sinatra in a Blender by Matthew McBride ***
Black Wattle Creek by Geoffrey McGeachin ***.5
Diggers Rest Hotel by Geoffrey McGeachin ****.5
Bogmail by Patrick McGinley ***.5
The Lost by Claire McGowan ***.5
Landscape and Society in Contemporary Ireland by Brendan McGrath ***.5
Laidlaw by William McIlvanney *****
Norwegian by Night by Derek B Miller ****
Icelight by Aly Monroe ****.5
The Maze of Cadiz by Aly Monroe ***.5
Missing in Rangoon by Christopher G. Moore ***.5
The Spy Who Loved by Clare Mulley ****.5
A Private Business by Barbara Nadel ****
Last Rights by Barbara Nadel ***
Crocodile Tears by Mark O'Sullivan ****.5
Death of a Nationalist by Rachel Pawel ***
Piggyback by Tom Pitts ****.5
Broken Dreams by Nick Quantrill ***
Roll With It by Nick Place ***.5
Hour of the Cat by Peter Quinn ****
Where the Shadows Lie by Michael Ridpath ***
The Murder Farm by Andrea Maria Schenkel ***
The Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver ****
Pale Horses by Nate Southard *****
Once in Another World Brendan John Sweeney *****
Beautiful, Naked and Dead by Josh Stallings ****
The Dark Angel by Dominique Sylvain ***
Black Irish by Stephan Talty ***.5
Dresden by Frederick Taylor ****
Ostland by David Thomas *****
Season of the Witch by Arni Thorarinsson **.5
Bed of Nails by Antonin Varenne ****
In Search of Klingsor by Jorgi Volpi ****
The Eye of Jade by Diane Wei Liang ***
Too Big to Know by David Weinberger ***.5
The Low Road by Chris Womersley ****
The Master Switch by Tim Wu ****

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